Saint Columba’s Church of Ireland, Knock, Belfast.
Burke, John, Private
Deane, Arthur D., Second Lieutenant
Elliott, Thomas B., Second Lieutenant
Hooton, Henry, Lieutenant
McCormick, Ian C., Sub. Lieutenant
McCormick, Harold, Quarter-Master Sergeant
Nelson, Robert, Private
Nelson, William, Private
Purvis, John, Private
Rodgers, Adam, Private
Unsworth, Hubert, Lieutenant
Webb, Gilbert W., Captain
These also Served.
Jas. Burrows, Corporal
Burrows, Thomas, Private
Deane, Frederick W., D.F.C., Captain
Duke, John H., Sub. Lieutenant
John W. Elliott, Lieutenant
Elliott, L. Rory, Lieutenant
Faloon, George, Corporal
Falcon, Jas., Private.
Fichie, Geoffrey, Private
Gell, Reginald A., Lieutenant
Pty, Henderson, William, Petty Officer, Royal Navy
Houston, John, Sergeant
Houston, Lewis, Corporal
Knight, Charles F., Lieutenant
Leathern, George, Lieutenant
McCormick, Arthur V., Private
McCormick, Frederick, Sergeant
McCormick, Oswald, Private
McCormick, W. H., Private
McCaffrey, Sydney, Private
McCaffrey, William, Private
McClure, Kenneth D., Second Lieutenant
Madden, Shirley. Engineer
Moreland, Malcolm, Lieutenant
Morrison, Felix M., M.S. Man.
Mitchell, John S., Lieutenant
Purdy, W. Hubert, M.C., Lieutenant
Roper, Blaney T., Lance Corporal
Tweedie, Earnest, Private
Tweedie, John F., Gunner
Tweedie, William G., Second Lieutenant.
Unsworth, Victor, M.C., Captain
Wellwood, William, M.C., Lieutenant
Webb, Herman W., Captain
Webb, Karl W., Captain
Webb, Richard R., M.M., Lieutenant
Unveiling and Dedication Ceremony.
A memorial to the fallen in the war and as a tribute to those who survived in the service of their King and country was dedicated yesterday [January, 11, 1920] in St. Columba’s Church, Knock, by the Bishop of Down and Connor and Dromore, (Right Rev. C. T. P. Grierson, B.D.).
The memorial takes the form of three long lancet windows in the west transept, being filled with beautiful stained-glass figure work, and below on an engraved tablet mounted on black marble is recorded the names of those members of the church who made the supreme sacrifice and those who survived. The general scheme of the design for the three lights has been well thought out, and forms one complete and worthy war memorial. It has been treated with great skill in the composition and proportion of the figures. The subjects are shown in rich and glowing colours, whilst in the portrayal of the faces nothing but admiration could be given. The main subject in the long light in the centre is that of “The Great Reward.” Our Lord is shown in robes of white and red offering the crown of life to a kneeling warrior. The two adjoining lights contain life-size figures of Old Testament warriors, Joshua and Gideon. Angels on the base of the two side lights uphold scrolls, and in the base of the side light is shown an open Bible. The figures are set in rich canopied work of refined detail and mellow colourings of green and gold. Over the three lights is a circular top one, in which is seen a standing figure in armour holding a sword and wreath, representing victory, and executed in a deep rich colour. The work was carried out by Messrs Ward & Partners, May Street, Belfast.
On the top is shown the Scriptural text: – “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” The central inscription is as follows: – “These windows are erected to the glory of God and in honoured memory of those who gave their lives and as a tribute to those who survived in the service of their King and country in the great war, all been comrades in arms and members of this church of St. Columba’s.”
The names on the memorial number 48, and of these 12 are the names of those who fell.
In the course of an impressive service the Bishop was conducted to the window by the Rev. F. W. Austin, M.A., rector, and the churchwardens, Mr. Thomas Henshaw and Mr. William Hill. His Lordship dedicated the memorial in solemn form, and afterwards delivered an instructive address commending the bravery and courage of the men who had fought in, some of whom had fallen in, a righteous battle for the love of the ideals which they hoped to see maintained for the progress of civilisation and the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.
The Northern Whig and Belfast Post, January 12, 1920.
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