George Breen
Robert Bray
John Cargo
George Dickie
John Dougherty
James Edgar
John Haye
James Ingleson
Frederick Ingleson
Francis Jennings
Hugh Jennings
Jack Killips
Frank Killips
Henry Lennon
R.D. Perceval Maxwell
J.N. Perceval Maxwell
James McClurg
David McMullan
Robert McMullan
Thomas McMullan
Frank M’Nally
James M’Nally
Thomas M’Nally
Robert Moore
Robert Patterson
Conolly Pepper
John M. Pepper
Edward Rea
David Roy
Clement Seay
Martin Seay
William John-Seay
Hans Shaw
George Sides
Henry Walker
Frank Watson
Frederick Watson
Cornelius Graham
If you can supply additional information, photographs of War Memorials in the nine counties of Ulster, or wish to report errors, broken links, make comments, suggestions, requests, etc. please email (please copy and paste).
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