The FALLEN 1914 - 1918.
Atkinson, James
Atkinson, John
Bailie, Arthur
Cullen, Cyril
Ferguson, Robert
Girvan, F.W.
Hewitt, Sandy
Jackson, Lester
Johnston, Sydney
Jordan, Gerald
Mooney, Charles
Pickering, Ernest E.
Starkey, Edward
Wright, William

These Also Served.
Aicken, John
Alexander, Charles J.
Allen, Charles
Anderson, Alfred
Bradbury, Frederick C. S.
Bellew, Robert J. S.
Benyon, Jennie
Brown, Gerald
Campbell, James
Catfield, H. T.
Clarke, T. H.
Clifton, F. Joseph
Connell, William
Craig, Jasper
Crawford, John
Doherty, Ernest
Doidge, Albert E.
Egan, W. R.
Finlay, James
Finlay, Hilda G.
Fry, Frederick
Fry, John
Fry, Robert George
Girvan, Walter
Graham, Fred
Graham, James J.
Graham, John
Graham, Thomas
Haddock, Lawrence
Herring, Lily C.
Hutton, James
Irvine, Samuel
Jamison, Alexander
Jamison, Henry
Jamison, William
Johnston, Cecil
Kane, Frederick
Kane, James
Lawler, Wesley S.
Lee, Herbert
Livingstone, Duncan G.
Loftus, John Albert
Logan, David
Logan, William
Luke, James
Luke, Joseph
Luke, Matthew
McDowell, Alexandra
McDowell, William
McKibben, Samuel
McKinley, Samuel
McKinstry, James
McKelvey, Robert
McMullan, David
McMahon, John
McMullan, Eric
McMurray, Eric J.
McQuillan, James
McNamara, Alfred
McNamara, William
McWhir, Samuel
McWilliams, David
McVeigh, William S.
Mallen, James
Martin, Marjorie
Mawhinney, Lottie S.
Miller, Herbert
Minnis, Harold C.
Moore, Robert
Moon, Howard T.
Morgan, Herbert
Morgan, James
Munce, Jessie L.
Neill, William
Neill, William George
Patterson, Kathleen I.
Patterson, Ivan
Pidduck, John W.
Prentice, John
Powell, Ernest R.
Quinn, Robert
Roulston, Jack
Russell, Frank
Russell, Susan
Shawe, Robert
Smith, Alexander
Spiers, Vincent
Starkey, John
Sullivan, R. J.
Swabrick, Richard K.
Stewart, Joseph
Thornton, Arthur H.
Turner, William I.
Usher, George
Walker, Mrs.
White, Richard.
Wilson, Charles
Wright, Robert
Weir, Frank
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