Memorial tablets unveiled by the Archdeacon of Armagh.
On Sunday afternoon, 10th October, 1920, an impressive memorial service was conducted in St. Aidan’s Church, Kilmore (Co. Armagh), when two tablets, placed one on either side of the new organ, were unveiled by the Ven. the Archdeacon of Armagh-one to the fallen, the other to the men of the parish who served in the great war. Seats were reserved for the ex-Service men, who paraded under command of Lieutenant J. King. M.C., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
On the conclusion of the unveiling ceremony the Dead March in “Saul” was rendered on the organ, and the “Last Post” was sounded by buglers who belong to the Richhill Comrades of the Great War. The venerable preacher, who spoke from a pulpit draped with the Union Jack, paid a touching tribute to the memory of fallen brave, and also to those who had lived to come home. At the conclusion of the service a beautiful organ recital was given by Mr. Alfred Wainwright, organist of St. Luke’s, Loughgall, after which the soldiers and their relatives were invited to tea in the Orange Hall.
The tablets, in brass, bear the following inscriptions:-“
This organ was erected to the glory of God and to perpetuate the names of the following gallant men who give their lives for King and country in the Great War, 1914-1918.
Drake, Robert,
Patterson Richard,
Thompson Henry
Wainwright Alfred.

Also in grateful acknowledgement of the patriotism of the following men who volunteered for service in the Great War
Devlin, R.
Ferguson, C.
Ferguson, William,
Gibson, J.
Gibson, William
Hughes, S.
King, J., M.C.,
King, W.
Lambe, R.
M’Clelland, D.
M’Fadden, R.
Mayes, S.
Patterson, R.
Pearson, W.J.
Proctor, G.
Proctor, J.
Reid, F.
Wainwright, H.
Walker, M.H.
Winter, R.
The Ulster Gazette and Armagh Standard, October 16, 1920.
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