This page contains four images, the names of the fallen 1914-1918 and 1939-1945, a description of the original Dervock Institute Building and a report on a fundraising bazaar, and District News 1940 – 1943. More images available on request at

Top image is the original Dervock War Memorial Institute.

Above images courtesy of Frankie Cunningham, Chairperson, Dervock & District Community Association.

DERVOCK, Co. Antrim

THE FALLEN 1914 - 1918

Adams, James

Allen, Charles

Baird, William

Boyd, John

Boyle, Andrew

Carson, Thomas L.

Doherty, Hugh

Ellison, Charles

Graham, George

Harte, Robert

Huey, William Wallace

Jamieson, Samuel

Kane, Samuel

Laverty, James

Meeke, Samuel

Moore, William,

Moore, George

Moore, Robert

Moore, Henry Stewart

McAuley, William

McBride, William

McCaughan, Robert J.

McCrellis, James

McFadden, Malcolm

McIntyre, John

McKeeman, James

McMullan, Robert J.

McNeill, Leslie

Nicholl, Archie

O’Bryan, William Joseph

O’Bryan, Robert

Paul, Robert

Ross, Thomas

Shields, Ernest

Shields, Bertie

Stuart, James

Stuart, Charles M.

Stuart, William Bruce

Thompson, James

Thompson, William

Twaddle, William

Wright, William J.


WAR MEMORIAL 1939 – 1945


Adams, William

Bellingham, William

Brennan, Thomas

Brown, Robert W.

Cockrane, Kenneth

Cairns, John

Fleck, Emma

Ford-Hutchinson, Francis

Fulton, Robert

Gardiner, Annie M.

Greene, John

Holmes, Daniel

Maxwell, Ernest

Milliken, Robert

Miskelly, Robert

McAleese, Henry



Dervock War Memorial Institute

‘Dervock and district sent forth their full quota of fit, sturdy lads for the great game in the world arena of war. They placed everything, even to life itself, at their country’s service, and it is a gratifying fact that such a splendid spirit of self-sacrifice has not been forgotten. The good folk of the Dervock district remember those who sprang into the breach; and while expressing in a practical manner their appreciation of the service of those who have returned, they have raised a fitting monument to the gallant dead.  The Dervock War Memorial Institute-the first, perhaps, to be erected in Ireland-is almost completed.  It comprises a main hall, sitting accommodation for upwards of 400 persons, together with large reading and recreation rooms, and a splendid kitchen.  The cost incurred in building was £2000, the site being placed free at the disposal of the Building Committee by Captain C.G. Macartney, Lissanoure Castle. The committee, of which Dr. R. C. Miller was chairman, and Mr Samuel Killen, C.P.S., honorary secretary is to be congratulated on the success of the project, in which they had generous and spontaneous support.’

Some time during the 1980s the Institute was demolished. The brass remembrance tablets are now displayed in a Memorial Garden.

In front of the memorial tablets is a small obelisk with the inscription

In memory of those who gave their lives for their country in the cause of justice and freedom.
We will remember them.
Erected by a grateful community 1988.



On Monday the Institute opened its doors to the public, occasion being a bizarre, the object of which was to raise £800 to cover the balance of the contract price, and to furnish and equip the building in a style worth of its splendid architecture. The institute was decorated gaily with bunting, and the bazaar opened auspiciously. The various stores were laden with beautiful and valuable articles, claiming a host of ready purchasers.  Find weather prevailed, and there was a large attendance present when Dr R. C. Miller called upon Captain C.G. Macartney to preside at the opening ceremony, which was gracefully performed by Mrs. S. J. Lyle, Ballycastle.

Captain Macartney said it afforded him particular pleasure in accepting their invitation to preside over that day’s proceedings.  He was certain, and sorry also, that there was some present to whom that would be a sad occasion, bringing remembrance of loved ones lost.  To those they extended heartfelt sympathy.  What a wonderful and noble part their womankind had played in the late war in spite of awful troubles and sorrows that could not be conceived.  The lady upon whom he would presently call to open the bazaar was a striking example of the noble, glorious women he had so inadequately tried to portray.  They are sorry that her gallant husband could not be present that day.  (Applause). Undoubtedly there are many ex-soldiers present, and he would like to say a word for them.  He wanted to put the soldier’s case before them as well as possible.  Everyone knew and would admit that there was no one better loved than the gallant soldier-boy.  (Laughter and applause.)  He really thought that it was quite possible that there were some who thought the soldier was different from the ordinary civilian.  In his own experience, he had found the boys just a human and sympathetic as any ordinary person.  It was everyone’s duty to help the soldier, and to see hat he had a chance to be happy.  He hoped that these remarks would be interpreted in the spirit in which they were presented, merely and sorely to further cement the esteem, regard, and brotherly love which he hoped would continue to exist between all classes in the Dervock district. (Applause.) As he had said, the soldier was human, and liable to err.  What he did not like was to be ostracised from ever for any little mistake.  The soldier wished to be laid firmly and justly, but he despised and he hated to be led by weak, vacillating people in authority, who said one thing and do the opposite.  While the primary object of the war memorial was to perpetuate the memory of the gallant dead it was also for the soldier who had been spared to come home.  He trusted that the Institute would always offer a whole-hearted welcome to any soldier who wish to participate in the entertainment it afforded.  He appealed to the men to do their best for the interests of the community at large.  He took them back to the days when they were part of the “good old D Company” of the 12th R.I.R.  if they retained of the old spirit of “D” company he was certain that Dervock would be the most prosperous, peaceful, and content little spot in the North of Ireland.  Applause.  If they all pulled together, it would surely be a simple, manly additional respect to the memory of those brave, heroic comrades no longer with them.  He had great pleasure in calling upon Mrs Lyle to declare the bazaar open.

Mrs Lyle said she felt greatly honoured in being asked to declare that the bazaar open.  She was especially interested in the welfare of the men of “good old D Company”.  She was glad that the memorial to those who had fought to make their homes secure had taken that original and practical form.  Those gallant men had stood between them and ruin.  They were only average men, perhaps, but the divine spark had sent them out knights errant.  They were thankful for those men who had died at a highest standard of manhood, and left them richer by their memory.  They were now doing what they could to perpetuate the memory of those who had fallen, but a responsibility remained.  They must see that the parents, wives, and children had their rights, and that the men who came home were looked after.  Applause.  Many of these had suffered in health, and care should be taken that nothing was left undone for their comfort.  Let them think of the black days of 1914, when nothing was considered too good for their fighting men, and let them remember by their own home-bred country boys went back time and begin into that hideous hell in France.  Applause.  She hoped that the Institute would be of great usefulness to men who came back as well as a fitting memorial to their dead. (Applause) 

A beautiful bouquet was handed to Mrs Lyle by Miss Minnie Patrick, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs JA. Patrick, Dervock.

The vote of thanks by Mrs Lyle and Captain McCartney was passed in motion of Rev Maxwell a seconded by Rev Samuel Thornhill.

Saves proceeded, and within the hall, and in the immediate vicinity a scene of activity was witnessed which augured for the complete success of the bazaar.  The appended list of stallholders and those in charge of games competitions: –

At the re-opening ceremony on Wednesday, and the motion of Dr Miller, the chair was taken by Mr L. Denny, The Whins, Portrush, who after a few appropriate remarks, called upon Mrs Stuart, Glennmanus House, Portrush, to open the second day’s proceedings.  This task Mrs Stuart performed in graceful fashion; and was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Miss Eleanor Davidson.

A vote of thanks to the Chairman and to Mrs Stuart was proposed by Major J. A. Montgomery, seconded by the Rev J. McIlmoyle, and cordially pasted.

Coleraine Chronicle 10 July, 1920.

District News 1940 -1943

Mr Peter O’Brien, who served with the forces in the first Great War, and who has been postman in Stranocum for the past 18 months, has been called to the Colours, having volunteered some time ago. He left during the week. A dance was held in the Orange Hall on Friday night as a send-off to Messrs S. O’Brian, S. Greene and R. S. Johnston, who were home on 14 days’ leave prior to joining the B. E. F. They left the village on Monday. Mr William McLernon was Master of Ceremonies.

A military wedding took place in Derrykeighan last week, when Mr John Greene, son of Mr and Mrs John Greene, Dervock, and Miss Agnes Norris, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Norris, Dervock were united in wedlock. Mr Greene is home on leave, being attached to the London Irish Rifles. The Rev D. F. Moore, B. A., Q.U.B., pastor loci, officiated and Mrs. W. Barnhill (organist) led the choir.


Eight residence of the village have been accepted for service on her Majesty’s Forces. They are Messrs. James McLaughlin, William McLernon, Thomas Cunningham (North Irish Horse); Alex Johnston jur. (Royal Artillery); Thomas Moore (Fusiliers); Alex. McCaw (Royal Engineers); James McLaughlin (R.A.F.) and Thomas Boreland (Fusiliers). The last named is ex-Serviceman, who had been a postman in the locality for about two years. Alex. Johnston is the second son of Mr J. S. Johnston, Ballymoney Road, to join the forces, and the other son, R. S. Johnston, is at present home on leave. This is a remarkable recruiting record, as all the men reside in the village, and it is reported that about a further 12 intend going to Belfast for the necessary examination.

Several young men serving in the Forces were home on furlough during the week. They include Messrs James McLaughlin, (R.A.F.), John McBride, Samuel Boyd (R.A.), Samuel Johnston (North Irish Horse), Thomas McMaster (Royal Ulster Rifles), and A. McNeilly. Mr Johnston is the first to Dervock man to be on leave from the North Irish Horse. All were given a hearty welcome.

Mrs James McLaughlin, William McLernon, Samuel Johnston, Thomas Cunningham and Thomas Boreland, who were home on furlough from the Forces left the village on Tuesday.

Home on leave.

Several more young men resident in the village have been accepted for service in the Forces. Messrs. James Johnston jun. and John Boreland, both of Main Street left on Tuesday to join the North Irish Horse. Mr. Dan Chestnutt, Knowhead Street, of Messrs Chestnut Bros., has passed an examination for the Army Service Corps and this expected to leave next week. Mr. W. J. O’Brien (2nd Btn. Ulster Rifles), Ballymoney Road, is home on leave from the B. E. F., while his brother, Samuel, is on furlough from England. Samuel is on furlough from the 1st. Battalion Ulster Rifles. Rifleman Harry Symes son-in-law of Mr J. S. Johnston, who is serving with the 2nd. Battalion K. R. B., is also on leave.

Mr Hughie McLaughlin, of the North Irish Horse, has been home on leave. His three uncles served in the Great War. One, Mr Hughie Doherty, was killed, and another was wounded.

Killed in action.

Mrs Rose Fulton, Ballymoney Road, Dervock, has been notified that eldest son, Gunner Robert Fulton, R.U.R., B. E. F., was killed in action on 16 May in France. He is the first war fatality from the district. He joined the Royal Ulster Rifles nine years ago, and was on foreign service for 6 ½ years. He was on Reserve before the outbreak of war. Deep sympathy is felt in the district for the relatives.

News of other soldiers.

The following have been reported missing Harry Symes, Ballymoney Road: and John Chestnutt, Ballydivity.  The following are in England-William J. O’Brien, Samuel O’Brien, Magheradonnell, Dervock; S. Morrison, Carnbore, Dervock, (wounded); William Smiley, Armoy (wounded); J. McKay (wounded); and Robert S. Johnston, Ballymoney Road, Dervock, Thomas Bremman, Liscolman, and Robert Miskelly, Ballydivity, were home and short leave during the week.

Mr William McLernon, Main Street, Dervock, is a member of the Royal Tank Corps in connection with the Royal Irish Horse.

Mr. Joseph O’Brien, Royal Ulster Rifles, and Mr Peter O’Brien, Royal Army Service Corps, were home on short leave following the Dunkirk evacuation, and were warmly received by the many friends. Mr Thomas Cunningham, Main Street, Dervock, has passed examinations for joining the North Irish Horse as Driver Mechanic Engineer.

Deep sympathy is felt for mister. And Mrs. William McLernon, Main Street, on the death on Sunday of the infant daughter. Mr McLernon is a member of the North Irish Horse was granted special leave to attend the funeral, which took place to Ballykeighan Parish church on Monday.

Seven members of the forces were home during the week. They included Messrs W. McLernon, Main Street, R.. S. Johnston, Ballymoney Road and T. McQuiggan.

Mr Samuel O’Brien, member of H. M. Forces, was home on leave during the week.

Mrs. M. Symes, Ballymoney Road, has received a letter and a postcard from a husband, Harry Symes, and prisoner of war in Germany. He is in good health. Mr. Symes, who was a Lance-Corporal on  the K.R.R.C., was taken captive while defending Calais in May. Previously he was on foreign service. A native of Croydon, he was employed as a steward in the Union Jack Club, London, for a considerable time.


Samuel O’Brien, Magheradonnell, London Irish Rifles, was home on leave last week. His father served in the last war.

William Holmes, Labour Corps, arrived at his home at Stroan, Dervock, on Tuesday, having been granted special leave owing to the death of his seven month old son, Raymond. The deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents on their loss.

Mr Holmes is one of three brothers who joined H. M. Forces recently, the youngest being only 17 years old.

Mr. William Chestnutt, Ballydivity, Dervock, has been notified by the War office that his son, J. Chestnutt, Irish Guards, is a prisoner of war in Germany. He had been reported missing since the evacuation of Dunkirk, and hope had been almost abandoned by his relatives. Although learning he is wounded, they have welcomed the news.


Mr William Simpson, Liscolman, was profoundly grieved about a fortnight ago on learning that his brother, Joseph, and his wife, with their son and daughter, had been killed near London in an enemy air raid. Mr Joseph Simpson and his wife went to England a number of years ago, and the former visited Liscolman in the summer of 1939.

Several soldiers were home on leave during the last few days, including Joseph O’Brien, son of Mr Thomas O’Brien, Magheradonnell, who is stationed in England in connection with the Royal Artillery, and who took part in the evacuation of Dunkirk; Adam Neilly, Cross Roads, a member of the R.A.F., stationed in Scotland; Thomas Boreland and Charles Moore, Ballymoney Road, Dervock.

Among the soldiers home on leave during the week was Mr Charles McMullan, who is who siding with his brother in Ballycastle Road. Mr McMullan emigrated to Canada about 15 years ago and returned to the British Isles with Canadian Expeditionary Force.

A number of service men on leave during holidays included Alex. McCaw, Royal Engineers; Adam McNeilly, R.A.F.; James McLaughlin, R.A.F..; Robert Johnston, L. I. R.; James Johnston, R.U.R.; Samuel Alan Cork. You. Corps.; And Peter O’Brien, R.A S.C. Last mentioned states that he much appreciated because comforts sent by the Dervock War Comforts Committee especially a Balaclava helmet, which proved extremely useful. Mrs Allen, wife of Samuel Allen, and a member of the W.A.A.F., also enjoyed a short leave.

Telegrams received last week by Mrs Fulton, Church Street, and Mrs T. Hill, Burnside, Armoy, conveyed the sad news that the husband and young son and Mrs Martha McBride, formerly of Dervock, had been killed in Clydeside, and that Mrs McBride (formally Miss Buick, Stroan), James Buick (her brother), and five of her children had also perished. Mrs Martha McBride was formerly a member of Dervock Presbyterian Church choir, but she has lived in Glasgow for a good number of years. She has two sons in the R.A.F. She owes her life, it is learned, to being in the front downstairs room of her house while the other members of the family took shelter in the kitchen. Of the Buick family the particulars are not known, but the sixth child, a boy, escaped with his life. When the tragic disaster became known several friends of the deceased crossed over to Scotland.

Former local family suffered heavily in a recent enemy air raid on Clydeside. Mr William McBride and his little son were killed, while his wife were trapped under debris for some hours and is in hospital. Another Mrs W. McBride lost her brother, Mr James Buick and five of her six children. Mr and Mrs Thomas Taylor, formerly of The Orble, Dervock, were also killed.

Local men serving in the Forces home on leave this week are Private Alexander McCall (Royal Engineers), Main Street; Private Alexander Johnston (Royal Artillery), Ballymoney Road; Fusiliers John Steward (Royal Inniskillings), Ballymoney Road and Trooper William McLernon (North Irish Horse), Main Street.

Mr Tommy Cox, formerly of Dunaghy, who is now in the Canadian Army, has been on a seven-day visit to his native district. He emigrated to the Dominion 29 years ago, and during that long period he has never been on a visit home. He joined the Colours shortly after the outbreak of the war and is now serving with the Canadian Forces somewhere in England. Before emigrating he was a member of staff R.B.P., and L.O.L. He was in Dervock on Monday last seeking old and making many new friends.


Mrs Martha McBride, widow of Mr William McBride, who was killed as a result of enemy action arrived home from Glasgow on Friday and she was cordially welcomed by her relatives and friends, all of whom were glad to see her looking well following her try experiences. When her home was demolished by a bomb and a husband killed, she also was trapped for several hours, amongst the fallen debris by and large beam. She was in hospital for some days as a result of her ordeal, but she is now recovering from the effects.


Driver David Chestnutt, R.A.S.C., son of the late Mr William Chestnutt and Mrs Chestnutt, Ballycastle Road, was home on short leave during the week. Mr James Boyd, R. A. F., son of Mr Samuel and the late Mrs Boyd, Knockanbuoy ; Rifleman Kenneth Cochrane, Royal Ulster Rifles; Clifford (Dr) Cochrane (Royal Engineers) Loughlinch; Miss Francis McGregor and Mrs Martha Hamill, both of the A.T.S., paid visits to their homes at the weekend. All were looking well. Other soldiers on leave were Bertie Adams, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Bushside; Rifleman George Rainey, Royal Ulster Rifles, Ballyhunsley; Gunner Joseph O’Brien, Royal Ulster Rifles, son of Mr Thomas and Mrs O’Brien Magheradonnell. He has seen active service in France, Egypt and Palestine, and was also in the evacuation of Dunkirk.

Sgt Thomas Boreland, Inniskilling Fusiliers, home on seven days’ leave from England, was cordially welcomed by his many friends. He was warmly congratulated on his promotion to the rank of Sergeant. He was in the army for eight years prior to the outbreak of war and saw service in India, Egypt, and Palestine.

Mrs J. Holmes. Ballynafeigh, Stranocum, has been officially informed that her son Fusiliers Daniel Holmes, of the Inniskilling Fusiliers is missing. He joined the regiment shortly after the outbreak of hostilities and was home on leave about three months ago. Two brothers, William and James, are serving with H.M. Forces, the former with the Pioneers and the latter with the Inniskillings.

Mr John Stewart, Main Street, has been notified that his grandson, Joseph A. Tweedy, Royal Navy, is missing. Mr Tweedy’s wife has also been notified by the Admiralty to the same effect. He had been serving in the Royal Navy since he was a boy and was on reserve when war broke out. His brother is serving with the Royal Air Force. His grandfather, Mr John Stewart, served for over 33 years in the Merchant Marine and had good luck to come through the Great War unscathed.


Local men serving with H.M. Forces on leave over the weekend were:- Alexander Johnstone, Church Street; Hugh Alexander M’Laughlin, Ballymoney Road; Robert Milliken, Liscolman, North Irish Horse; Lance-Corporal John Greene (Royal Ulster Rifles), Ballycastle Road, Hugh Horner (Royal Ulster Rifles), Moycraig; Flight-Mechanic Tommy Shield (Royal Air Force), son of Mr James Shield be a Ballydivity, home on as first leave from England.

Chief engineer James Stewart, son of Mr James Stewart, Main Street, was home on leave at the weekend, is now serving in his second war. He was with the Mercantile Marine before 1914 and then volunteered for the Royal Navy and served throughout the war with one of H.M. auxiliary cruisers, coming through scratched. In 1918 he retired from the Navy, but again volunteered for service when hostilities broke out in 1939. He is engaged in mine-sweeping. His son, John, in the Royal Artillery, was on active service in France and was at the evacuation of Dunkirk. Chief-Engineer Steward belongs to a family holding a proud record of service for King and country. His father, Mr John Stewart, was for over 33 years in the Mercantile Marine and also saw active service during the last war.

Corporal James M’Laughlin, North Irish Horse, arrived home on special leave on Tuesday, is very popular amongst the townspeople. He joined up shortly after the outbreak of hostilities, and has been promoted to the rank of corporal. All wish him a very successful career in the army. Others on leave were Private Eddie Varner, Ballymacfin, Royal Inniskillings Fusiliers, a native of Bushmills, and Private Samuel McFadden, Cameron Highlanders, who belongs to Carncullaugh.

Mr James Johnstone and his son Clifford, who went over to England as volunteers for fire watching, are enjoying a well learned rest, James, who fought in Flanders and lost portion of his arm, is again doing his bit for King and Empire. He is the proud father of two stalwart sons who are serving with the Forces. Alexander, with the Royal Artillery and Robert Stewart, at present on leave, who is with the Royal Ulster Rifles. A son-in-law is a prisoner of war in Germany.

Rifleman Samuel O’Brien, Royal Ulster Rifles, son of Mr Thomas and Mrs O’Brien, Magheradonnell, who has returned to his regiment after leave belongs to a family which has a fine record of service. His father served throughout the last war, an uncle, Joseph, made the supreme sacrifice while serving with a famous Scottish Regiment, while brother Joseph, also served with the Rifles, figured in the evacuation of Dunkirk. Prior to the outbreak of war the brothers saw service in Egypt and Palestine, and on the North-West Frontier.


Two more contingents of local young men have answered the call King and country. Four who passed the test for the Royal Air Force on Friday were-Mr Jack Gray, a Scotsman staying with Mr Jack P. Camac, M.R.C.V.S., Derrykeighan; Mr William Miskelly, son of Mr Samuel and Mrs Miskelly, Ballydivity, and whose brother, Robert, is in the Royal Artillery; Mr John M’Kinney, son of Mr and Mrs John McKinney, Ballycastle Road, and who has been a member of the “B” Special Constabulary; and Mr David Gillen, another “B” man, youngest son of Mr Daniel and Mrs Gillen Ballycastle Road. For the past the R.A.F. tests on Monday were-Mr William Gillespie, son of Mr Martin and Mrs Gillespie, Ballymoney Road; Mr Archie King, son of Mr and Mrs John King, Ballymoney Road; Mr Oliver McCaw, same address, fifth son of Mr and Mrs Robert J. McCaw. He has a brother in the Royal Engineers, and lastly another member of the Johnston family, Mr Frederick Johnston, younger son of Mr James and Mrs Johnston, Main Street. His brother Samuel is in the North Irish horse and his father served in the Royal Irish Rifles during the last war and was a prisoner. He was Sub-District Commandant of the Dervock Platoon “B” Special Constabulary. Mr Johnston Chestnutt, Main Street, who has passed for the Irish Guards, was a member of the Special Constabulary. His brother, Daniel, is a Sergeant in the Irish Guards. Since the outbreak of war over fifty young men from the district have joined the Forces.

Leading-Stoker William Bellingham, home on leave during the week, was welcomed by many friends. He is the son of Mr David Bellingham and Mrs Bellingham, Knockanbuoy, and served during the last war in the Royal Navy. Also on leave were-James MacLaughlin, Royal Air Force, son of Mr John and Mrs McLaughlin, Ballymoney Road; Tripura Thomas Cunningham (North Irish Horse), Main Street; and Driver James McKinney, Royal Army Service Corps.

Mrs Margaret Symes, Ballymoney Road, has received a letter from a husband, Corporal Harry Symes, who is a prisoner of war in Germany intimating that he is well.

Two more young men left during the week to take up duties in the R.A.F..-Mr John Gray, M.R.C.V.S., assistant to Mr John Camac, M.R.C.V.S., Derrykeighan, as a pilot, and Mr Archie King, son of Mr and Mrs John King, Ballymoney Road, as an armourer.

Mr Richard McKay, Stranocum, has been notified that his son, William McKay, serving with an Irish Regiment, who was reported missing in the Middle East on 21st March, is safe and well and now serving with his unit.

Members of the forces home on leave during the week were Corporal Thomas Lee McGoogin, R.I.F., Leading-Aircraft-Man Adam J McNeilly, R.A.F. Constable David Johnston, R.U.C., also on leave, who has 20 years’ service with the force.

Mrs John Holmes, Stranocum, has received official notification of that her son, Daniel Holmes, who was reported missing on 23rd March, is now presumed lost at sea due to enemy action. Fusiliers Holmes, he was only 17 years of age, joined the army at the beginning of hostilities. His two brothers are serving-William in the Pioneer Corps and James in the Royal Irish Fusiliers.

Home on leave during the holidays was Corporal Maude Gray, W.A.A.F., daughter of Mr John Gray and the late Mrs Gray, Stroan. Before joining up she was employed as a typist a Mr M’Elderry, The Markets, Ballymoney. Also on leave were Messrs, George MacCormick and Daniel Buick, who have been engaged on war work across the Channel.

The Dervock and District War Comforts Committee reported that during 1941 woollen articles numbering 280 been dispatched as follows:-165 articles to the headquarters of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The remaining 115 articles was sent in personal parcels to men of the district (which includes Stranocum) serving with the Forces. Together with one woollen article, the 115 Christmas parcels contained cigarettes, soap, shaving stick, towel, writing pad, and envelopes. The amount collected during the year was £115. 3s 4d and approximately £66 was spent on wool and Christmas parcels. This leaves a good balance in the book.

Mr Edward Verner, Whitehill, has received the King’s Badge for loyal service in H. M. Forces.

Mr Robert Conolly has been appointed S.D.C., of the local Home Guard in place of Mr Joseph Bailey, recently appointed S.D.C., of the Dervock “B” Specials.

Mrs. Miskelly, Ballydivity, has been notified that her son, gunner Robert Miskelly, Royal Artillery, has been posted as missing in Malaya. Gunner Miskelly joined the Army eight years ago and took part in the fighting in France, being one of the last to leave Dunkirk.

Before leaving the village on Monday to take up duty with the W.A.A.F., Mrs J Green, jun., daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Morris, Ballycastle Road, was given a token of the steam the staff of the New Mill, where she was employed, and by the organist and choir the Parish Church, of which she has been a member since childhood. Her husband, Rifleman J. Green, R.U.R., has spent nine years’ service, most of which was spent in China and India.

Mrs Thomas Chestnutt, daughter of Mrs Johnstone and the late Mr David Johnston, Main Street, left during the week to take up duties with the A.T. S. Mrs Chestnutt’s son, Johnston Chestnutt, is in the Royal Artillery, and her daughter, Peggy, is in the A.T.S. A brother, Sergeant Daniel Johnston, Irish Guards, has six years’ service, took part in the operations Norway. Another brother, Constable David Johnston, R.U.C., has served over 20 years in that capacity.

Mr William Bellingham, son of Mr and Mrs David Bellingham, Knockanboy, has received the King’s Badge for loyal service rendered the Royal Navy. He served throughout the last war and was at the Dardanelles when only 17 years of age. He joined the Navy at the outbreak of the present war and was present at the evacuation is of Dunkirk and Crete. He was discharge through ill-health about two months ago.

Much regret was occasioned by the death of his parents’ residence, Knockanboy, on 22nd of April, of Mr William Bellingham, at the age of 45 years. Mr Bellingham served throughout the last war as leading stoker in the Royal Navy. He volunteered for service at the outbreak of the present war and took part in the evacuation is of Dunkirk and Crete. He was discharged from the Royal Navy owing to ill health in January last and received the King’s Badge in recognition of loyal service rendered. A popular figure in the village and district, he was also and member of Dervock L.O.L., No. 534,in which he was initiated over 25 years ago. Sincere sympathy is extended to his father, mother, brothers, and sisters in their great loss.

Home on leave for a short holiday to his brother during the week was Sapper William Adams, Royal Canadian Engineers. Sapper Adams emigrated to Canada some 18 years ago and joined the Canadian Army at the outbreak of war.

Members of the forces home on leave during the week included Private Robert Kirgan, Lorne Scots (Canada). Private Kirgan, who is the son of Mr Alexander Kirgan, Queen Street, Ontario, Canada, and the late Mrs Kirgan, Bellisle and joined the Canadian Army at the outbreak of war. Corporal James McLaughlin, R.A.F., also on leave, is a son of Mr and Mrs J McLaughlin, Ballymoney Road. He joined the Royal Air Force at the beginning of hostilities.

Mrs Margaret Symmes, Ballymoney Road, has received a letter accompanied by a photograph from her husband, Corporal Harry. Symmes, who is a prisoner of war in Germany, informing her that he is well. Corporal Symmes was taken prisoner by the Germans during the evacuation from France.

Members of the Forces home on leave during the week included Private Charles McMullan, who emigrated to Canada some 18 years ago. He joined the Canadian Army at the outbreak of war. Corporal James M’Laughlin, North Irish Horse, also on leave, is popular in the village, especially in football circles, having been a member of the Dervock team which won the North Antrim in 1938.

Mr John Stewart, Main Street, has been officially informed that his grandson, Gunner John Stewart, Royal Navy, has been posted as missing. Aged 21, he figured in the evacuation from Dunkirk. He belongs to a family who have a great record of service in the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine. His father, Chief Petty Officer James Stewart, R.N., who resides at Fife Street, Belfast, served throughout the last war and is now on Naval work. A cousin, Joseph A Tweedy, R.N., was lost at sea last year. His grandfather, Mr John Stewart, has over 35 years’ service in the Merchantile Marine, and was twice torpedoed during the last war. He is now a Sergeant in the Home Guard.

Mr and Mrs W M’Conaghie, Ballymoney Road, has been notified that their nephew, Neil M’Lean, Winnipeg Grenadiers, is a prisoner of war in Hong Kong. Grenadier M’Lean, who is a native of Liscolman, emigrated to Canada 14 years ago. His father, the late Mr Charles M’Lean, Liscolman, served throughout the South African War and in the Great War of 1914-18 with the Ulster Division. A brother, Charles M’Lean, is serving with the Royal Canadian Engineers, while a nephew, Jack M’Lean, is with the Royal Canadian Air force.

Members of the forces home on leave during the week included Mr Joseph O’Brien, R.U.R., son of Mr and Mrs T O’Brien, Ballycastle Road. He has been 10 years in the army and saw service in Malta and Palestine. He figured in the evacuation of Dunkirk. A brother, Samuel O’Brien, has also 10 years’ service, most of that time been spent abroad.

A popular member of the Forces home on leave during the week was Gunner Alex. Johnston, Royal Artillery. A son of Mr and Mrs James Johnston, Ballymoney Road, he joined up at the outbreak of hostilities. A brother, Robert, who served in the East, has been 10 years in the army..

Mr Alexander Kirgan, left the village during the week to take up duty in the Royal Navy. A popular young man in the district, especially in boxing circles, took part in some the recent tournaments held in connection with Ballymoney Amateur Boxing Club. A brother, Corporal Robert Kirgan, is serving with the Canadian Forces.

Hearty congratulations extended to Second Lieutenant Patrick E. W. W. Barnhill on obtaining has commissioned in the Indian Army. Mr Barnhill is fourth son of the late Rev Samuel Barnhill, rector of Derrykeighan, and of Mrs Barnhill, Derrykeighan. He joined the Royal Ulster Rifles in October, 1940, being then a Divinity student at Trinity College, Dublin. In the early part of this year he went as an officer cadet to India to finish his training for a commission in the Indian Army, and in September he obtained that rank is now attached to the 4th Bombay Grenadiers. Before joining up he was D.S.D.C., for the Home Guard in the Dervock district and was very popular with his comrades. His second brother, Captain G.F.J. Barnhill, served in the Royal Irish Rifles in the last Great War, and his eldest brother, the late Rev Samuel H.C. Barnhill, was a member of the O.T.C. of Durham University, but for health reasons was not accepted to take part in active operations.

Mr and Mrs J. Johnston, Ballymoney Road, received a Christmas greetings cablegram a few days ago from their son, Rifleman Robert Johnston, London Irish Rifles informing them that he is well. He joined the Army about ten years ago and has had service in India, Egypt and China. A brother, Alex. Johnston, home on leave during the week, is serving with the Royal Artillery.

Mr W Gardner, Ballyrobin, Stranocum, County Antrim, has received official notification that his daughter, Sister A. M. Gardiner, Queens Alexander’s Imperial Military Nursing Service, has been reported missing at sea. Sister Gardner is a niece of Mrs S.J. Cromie, High Street, Ballymoney.

Ex-Sergeant Samuel Dornan, R.I.C,, who died at an advanced age on Monday at his residence Clanroy Parade, Belfast was native of the Dervock district. For a number of years he acted as dock Sgt at Belfast Police Court, and Resident Magistrate of his day valued his tact and efficiency. He was one of the oldest members of Ballymacarret Presbyterian Church, Belfast.

Miss Annie McKendry, Stranocum, has being informed that her brother, Rifleman John McKendry, London Irish Rifles, has been reported missing from February 23. Rifleman McKendry joined the Royal Ulster Rifles at the outbreak of war and was later transferred to the other regiment.

Sergeant-Instructor James Norris, Royal Scots, spent a short leave at home during the past week after an absence of six years. He has 27 years’ service in the Army. He served in the last war, completing 21 years, and again volunteered at the beginning of the present war. His father, Mr John Norris, Church Street, a prominent member of the local A.R.P., and Salvage Committee, also served in the last war.       

A popular member of H. M. Forces on leave during the week was Lance-Corporal James Johnston, Royal Ulster Rifles. He joined the North Irish horse as the outbreak of war and later transferred to its present Regiment. His father, Mr Alexander Johnston, Ballymoney Road, served throughout the last war with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and was twice wounded.

Mr Stewart Johnston, son of Mr Alexander Johnston, Ballymoney Road, left on Monday last to join the Royal Navy.

Mrs L. Miskelly, Ballydivity, received official notification on Monday that her son, Gunner Robert Miskelly, previously reported missing after the fall of Singapore, is a prisoner of war in Japanese hands in Malai camps. Gunner Miskelly had three years’ service in the army, mostly spent overseas, and was on the  Reserve when war broke out. He took part in the evacuation of Dunkirk.

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Research is not been undertaken at the moment due to the pandemic.