In Drumholm Parish Church, Ballintra, on Thursday evening last, Right Rev. Dr. Peacocke, Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, unveiled and dedicated tablets in memory of the men from the parish killed in the war and those who survived. His Lordship also dedicated a baptismal ewer presented to Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin in memory of their son he was amongst the killed. The spacious church was crowded for the occasion. Rev. Messrs. Jas. Kelly, B.A., rector of the parish; J. Haddock, B.A., rector of Laghey, and David Kelly B.A., rector of Donegal, also took part in the service, while the lessons were read by Mr. F Simms-Williams, K.C. Appropriate hymns were sung, Miss M’Cansland residing at the organ. The Bishop occupied the corporate and delivered an impressive address.
The Impartial Reporter and Farmers’ Journal November 25, 1920.
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