This page contains one image, the names of THE FALLEN 1914-1918 and 1939 – 1945, plus a report on the unveiling and dedication of the monument.

CLOGHER, Co. Tyrone.
THE FALLEN 1914-1918
Breen, James, Private, South African Infantry, Froughmore.
Cull, Herbert, Lance-Corporal, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Clogher.
Donaldson, Robert, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Dromore.
Durneen, John James, Trooper, North Irish Horse, Clogher.
Fleming, James, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Tulnavert.
Fleming, William, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Tulnavert.
Foster, Samuel, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Slatmore.
Gault, Thomas, Lance-Corporal, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Clogher Park.
Glass, William, Private, Canadian Contingent, Clogher;
Hamilton, William, Gunner, Royal Field Artillery, Mullaghmore.
Howard, Gilbert A., Drummer Gilbert, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Eskermore.
Howe, James, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Mullaghmore.
Irvine, John, Sergeant, M.M., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Beigh.
Irvine, Thomas A., Corporal, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Ranenly.
Johnston, James Hogart, Private, Canadian Contingent, Broomhill.
Kernoghan, T., Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Annaloughan.
M’Collum, William, Private, Canadian Contingent, Clogher.
M’Comb, John R., Corporal, Canadian Contingent. Tullycorken.
M’Dowell, Irwin, Lance-Corporal, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Clogher.
M’Laren, James, Corporal, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Augher.
M’Mullen, Hugh, Lance-Corporal, Royal Munster Fusiliers, Tulnavert.
Maguire, Thomas, Sapper, Royal Engineers, Augher.
McKenna, John, Private, Scotch Guards, Killarney.
Mossey, Archibald, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Augher.
Mossey, Samuel, Sergeant, King’s Liverpool Regiment, Augher.
Mossey, Thomas, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Augher.
Neely, George, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Crossowen.
Neely, James, Private, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Slatmore.
Paisley, Richard J., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Clogher.
Porter, Alan Grey, M.C., Captain, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Clogher Park.
Reid, William, Rifleman, Royal Irish Rifles, Clogher.
Sleator, James, Corporal, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Longridge.
Stockdale, Barry, Corporal, Certificate of Honour, Royal Munster Fusiliers, Clogher.
Warnock, Hugh Hector, Lieutenant, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Clogher.
Welsh, James, Sergeant, Canadian Contingent, Annagarvey.
Young, Edward, Sergeant, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Vurchossy.
Royal Dublin Fusiliers.- Private Daniel Brannigan, killed at the Somme 21st July, 1916, aged 21 years. Daniel was the son of Bridget Brannigan, of Altanarva, Corbo, Clogher, Co. Tyrone. His name is not listed on the memorial.
The FALLEN 1939 - 1945.
Garnett, John Brooksbank, Lieutenant Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Son of Lt.-Col. W. B. Garnett, D.S.O., D.L., J.P., formerly of The Royal Welch Fusiliers, and of Eleanor Constance Garnett (nee Story), of Clogher, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland. B.A.
Kyle, H., Gunner Royal Artillery. Son of Robert and Jennie Kyle, of Clogher, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
McCrea, Mervyn Frederick., Sergeant Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Son of John F. and Caroline E. McCrea, of Clogher, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
Meenan, M.F., Private, (unit not known)
Reid, V. Private, (unit not known)
Fullerton, Stewart Charles, D.F.M., Flying Officer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Son of William and Sarah Black Stewart, of Clogher, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland

CLOGHER, Co. Tyrone.
In the presence of a large company the Clogher memorial, erected to perpetuate the memory of some thirty-six men from the town and district who paid the supreme sacrifice in the Great War, was unveiled.
The memorial takes the form of a beautiful column, of Irish granite standing 16ft. high on a base of three steps and tapered at the top. It is situated on the eastern end of the town, at the junction of the Omagh and Aughnacloy roads. The ground was granted by the Clogher Diocesan Board of Education.
Amongst the public attending the ceremony were a large number of relatives of the deceased, while 100 “A” and “B” Specials were in charge of Captain King and Captain Martelli, as well as a detachment of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, under Major Alexander, M.C., and Lieut. M’Connell, from Omagh.
Rev. W. H. Bailey, M.A„ Presbyterian Minister, Carntall, called upon Brigadier-General Ricardo, C.M.G., D.S.O., O.B.E., to unveil the memorial.
Brigadier-General Ricardo, after the ceremony, said he had soldiered with men from the Clogher Valley and from Clogher at various times in different parts of the world for the past thirty years, and they had seen some rough times together. His experience of Clogher men had, been of the happiest, as they had invariably proved themselves to be gallant soldiers and true comrades. He could truly say to their relations and friends that they did well to honour the men by erecting that memorial. In these days of strife and unrest such a memorial suggested thoughts of what an awful scourge war was. Instead of settling international differences war was utterly futile, and a wicked waste.
The same was equally true of their differences in Ireland. Had they not seen for some time preparations going on for a trial of strength in battle between the North and South? Was that he asked, going to settle anything? If the late war left nothing but sorrow and ruin in its train, what would this island be like at the end of a civil and religious war? Combatants in a civil war have afterwards to settle down and live together again. Apart from the material ruin which it would take generations to repair, they had to think of the ghastly legacy of hate left behind, and would life in the country then be worth living? He did not think so. They made too much of the differences in Ireland. In education, in recreation, and to a great extent in their everyday life they were split into camps, and as a consequence hatred and mistrust were rampant.
Major W. Stewart then read the following list of inscriptions and names on the tablet: “In memory of the men of this district whose names are here inscribed who died in the great war, 1914-1918. Erected by their fellow-countrymen and women. Greater love hath no man than this: that a man should lay down his life for his friends.”
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers- Sergeants John Irvine, M.M., Beigh; Edward Young, Vurchossy; Corporals Thomas A. Irvine, Ranenly; James M’Laren, Augher; James Sleator, Longridge; Lance-Corporals Herbert Cull; Clogher; Thomas Gault, Clogher Park; Irwin M’Dowell, Clogher; Privates Robert Donaldson, Dromore; Wm. Fleming, Tulnavert; James Fleming, Tulnavert; Samuel Foster, Slatmore; James Howe, Mullaghmore; T. Kernoghan, Annaloughan; Thomas Mossey, Augher; Archibald Mossey, Augher; George Neely, Crossowen; James Neely, Slatmore; Richard J. Paisley, Clogher; Drummer Gilbert A. Howard, Eskermore.
Royal Irish Rifles. -Rifleman Wm. Reid, Clogher.
Royal Irish Fusiliers.- Captain Alan Grey Porter, M.C., Clogher Park; Lieut. Hugh Hector Warnock, Clogher.
Royal Munster Fusiliers. -Corporal Barry Stockdale, certificate of honour, Clogher; Lance-Corporal Hugh M’Mullen, Tulnavert.
Royal Field Artillery. -Gunner Wm. Hamilton, Mullaghmore.
Royal Engineers. -Sapper Thomas Maguire, Augher.
Scotch Guards. -Private John McKenna, Killarney.
King’s Liverpool Regiment. -Sergeant Samuel Mossey, Augher.
Canadian Contingent. -Sergeant James Welsh, Annagarvey; Corporal John R. M’Comb, Tullycorken; Private Wm. Glass, Clogher; James Hogarth Johnston, Broomhill; Wm. M’Collum, Clogher.
South African Infantry. -Private James Breen, Froughmore.
North Irish Horse. -Trooper John James Durneen, Clogher.
“The Last Post” was sounded by a military bugler, after which Major Stewart proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Brigadier-General Ricardo, and presented him on behalf of ex-Q.M.S. Hamilton and local comrades of the Inniskillings with a little Union Jack, which was the first flag placed on Messinces Ridge following the big fight in that centre, as a memento of the occasion.
Mr. Thomas MacDowell, J.P., seconded, and Rev. W. H. Bailey conveyed the Vote, which was suitably acknowledged.
Following the ceremony relatives placed wreaths and floral tributes to the memory of their loved ones on the base of the column.
Fermanagh Times 21st September 1922 p2
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