A war memorial in tablet form has being erected by the Belfast and County Down Railway Company, in the circulating area at Belfast station, in honour of those members of the staff who volunteered and served in his Majesty’s forces during the Great War. The tablet, which occupies a conspicuous position on the wall immediately adjoining the stationmaster’s office, bears the names of one hundred and fifty of the staff of the company who served. Of that number eighteen made the supreme sacrifice.
They were :- Austin Edgar, William Black, John Brown, Robert Eiken, John M. Fulton, Robert Gallagher, James Gilmore, David Gregg, Robert Houston, Michael Hynes, John Johns, John Keatings, Frederick McKibbin, John B. McLean, William Malcolm, William J. Potter, Robert Stewart, and John Stitt. The names are engraved and waxed on a bronze plate, the latter being relieved in cast bronze with the coat of arms of the railway company at the top and mounted on polished Ashburton marble.
The unveiling ceremony was performed by the chairman of the company, Mr. Thomas Richardson, on 2nd August 1922 in the presence of the other directors, the chief officers and members of the staff from all departments.
The original memorial had the names engraved and waxed on a bronze plate, the latter being relieved in cast bronze with the coat of arms of the railway company at the top and mounted on polished Ashburton marble. The years 1914 1919 were on either side of the coat of arms.
The tablet, which occupies a conspicuous position on the wall immediately adjoining the stationmaster’s office, bears the names of one hundred and fifty of the staff of the company who served. Of that number eighteen made the supreme sacrifice.
Gilmore James
Gregg David
Houston Robert
Hynes Michael
Johns John
Keatings John No useful info on CWGC.
McKibbin Frederick Could be McKIBBEN, FREDERICK, 16762, 13th Bn., Rifleman, Royal Irish Rifles, Died July 1, 1916, aged 20. Son of Thomas and Annie McKibbin, 24, Sloan Street, Lisburn, Co. Antrim. He is the only one listed.
McLean John B.
Malcolm William
Potter William J.
Stewart Robert
Stitt John
Those who served
Arni Charles A.
Bailie Arthur
Bailie Thomas
Ball William H.
Bates Francis N.
Beattie David
Bell William
Black Alexander
Black Robert
Bould Samuel
Brown Robert M.
Brown Thomas
Campbell George
Carlisle James
Carlisle John K.
Carr John
Clarke James
Clegg Matthew
Craig Benjamin
Creighton Henry
Cumming Alexander
Davidson Robert
Davidson Robert W.
De Clifford John
Dempster Henry
Devlin John J.
Donaldson Robert
Duffield Thomas
Duncan Lowry S.
Dunseath Hugh
Emmett Herbert
Ewart James
Ferguson David J.
Forsythe Robert J.
Foulis Robert
Fulton Samuel
Galbraith Samuel
Gillespie Joseph
Girvan Alexander
Girvan Thomas
Gordon James
Gourley Thomas
Graham John
Green Joseph
Holland Frederick A.
Houston John S.
Hughes Gerald
Innis George W.
Ireland Michael
Johnston Frank
Johnston William J.
Jones Charles H.
Killen William
Kirk James
Labron Robert F.
Lappin William
Law Robert
Lennox James
Lennox Thomas
Lennox Andrew
McCarroll William
McCaughan Jas.
McCauley William F.
McClean James
McClean Thomas
McCleery William
McClune Samuel V.
McConnell William
McCracken Richard
McDowell Samuel
McGimpsey Jas.
McGrattan David
McIlwaine Francis
McKee William
McKenna James
McKissick James
McNeill T.
McPeake Herbert
Maitland Samuel
Malcolm Robert H.
Marsh Thomas
Marshall John
Maxwell Robert D. P.
Midwinter Albert
Milliken William
Moore Thomas A.
Morrison Rainey
Nelson Thomas
Newburn, Thomas
Oliver William G.
Owens Andrew
Owens Robert
Owens Thomas
Parker Robert
Patton James
Pilson James
Potter William
Preston Thomas
Rea Hugh
Reid John
Roaney Samuel W.
Roberts Edward
Robinson George
Scott William J.
Shannon J.
Shannon William J.
Sherlock David G.
Shields George
Simpson William
Sinclair Robert
Small John
Smeltzer William E.
Smith John
Smith William
Spiers Samuel
Steenson Thomas
Stratton Samuel
Stretton Albert
Tedford Albert
Thompson John
Vance, William J.
Ward Hamilton
Ward Samuel
Watson James R.
Wickie Abraham
Willix David
Wilson George A. C.
Wilson John
Woods David
Wylie John
If you can supply additional information, photographs of War Memorials in the nine counties of Ulster, or wish to report broken links, make comments, suggestions, requests, etc. please email
All contributions will be acknowledged.
Research undertaken when time permits.