Dedication of War Memorial.

On Sunday, April 3, 1921, in the presence of a crowded congregation, the Lord Bishop of Clogher dedicated the Memorial Tablet which has been erected in Derrybrusk Church to the members of the parish, who gave their lives for their country in the great war, and also a brass plate recording the names of those from the parish who had volunteered and had been spared to return, although many of them were severely wounded. The memorial consists of a beautiful white marble scroll, on which the names are inscribe, which stands out from the black marble background having at the top a bronze wreath and at the bottom cross swords and Crown.

The unveiling ceremony was performed by two ex-service men-Mr. G. Clingan and Mr. Henry Weir, M.M., after which the Bishop dedicated both tablets and read the King’s message to the bereaved. The Rector then called upon Major Cavendish Butler to read out the names. Having done so, Major Butler said that he had known most of the men, and having served with many of them in the Ulster Division had learn to appreciate and love them.

At the conclusion of his remarks the “Last Post” was sounded by the trumpeter.

In the course of an impressive sermon the Bishop referred to the self-sacrifice shown by our soldiers, and especially to the example and bravery of one of those he memorialised, whom he personally knew, though he felt that the others, while unknown to him, had acted a noble part in the struggle for their country’s liberty. Out of compliment to the memory of a brother officer-Major J. G. Archdale Porter, D.S.O., whose name appears at the head of the list on the tablet-captain Taylor Whitehead kindly sent a sergeant and ten men of the 9th (Queen’s Own) Lancers, and the trumpeter, while several officers of the 11th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, the Battalion in which most of the men, who joined from the parish, served, including Major Cavendish Butler, Major C. F. Falls, Captain William M. Knight, M.C., and Captain H. C. Gordon, M.C., attended to do honour to their fallen comrades.

After the Blessing by the Bishop the trumpeter sounded the “Reveille,” and then followed the singing of the National Anthem.

In addition to the Rector, Rev. R. M. M’Tighe, LL.D., who acted as Bishop’s Chaplain, and Rev. J. R. Crooks, rector of Clabby, took part in the service.

The Hymns, Psalms, &c., were nicely rendered by the choir-Miss Ada Johnston acting as organist.

The Fermanagh Times, April 7, 1921.

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