On Sunday morning, in the Mervue Street Hall, a special memorial service was held and a memorial organ unveiled to the memory of those members of the Mervue Adult School who fell in the Great War.
An eloquent and moving address was delivered by Alderman S. T. Mercier, J.P. After having paid a tribute to the value of Sunday School work, he proceeded to state that, just as during the war the first duties of the soldiers were obedience and loyalty to the King, so now after the war their duties were obedience and loyalty under all circumstances to Jesus Christ. Just as they knew how much their soldiers had endured for them, so must they be prepared to endure for Jesus Christ. He trusted that each of the many young people whom he had the honour of addressing would fully consecrate their lives to His service, so that in the days to come God might use them more and more, and that at the last they might all meet with those who had gone before in Heaven.
The unveiling ceremony was performed by Alderman Barron, who, in a brief address, said that it was due to the unselfishness and devotion of their comrades who had “gone before” they owed their freedom.
The names on the roll of honour were then read out by Mr. M’Kee, president, after which the Dead March in “Saul” was rendered on the organ by Mr. C. Nisbitt, and the “Last Post” sounded by Mr. M. Forster and Mr. M. Luke, two members of the class.
During the service Mr. R. Keers, soloist, gave effective rendering of the “Star of Bethlehem” and “The Lost Chord.”
Belfast Telegraph, March 2, 1920.
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