The Club House is located on the east side of the river adjacent to the bridge at the junction of Hanover Place, Waterside and Circular Road.

BANN ROWING CLUB, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry.

In the Bann Rowing Clubs boathouse, Coleraine, on Wednesday [September 7, 1921], in presence of a large assemblage, a magnificent war memorial tablet was unveiled. The tablet has been provided by the club in memory of 16 members who fell in the war, and in appreciation of 73 others who served.

Mr. Daniel H. Christie (captain), who presided, said the termination of the seasons rowing was thought by the committee to be as suitable occasion for having the club’s memorial tablet unveiled. Mrs. Carson, who would unveil the tablet, had always taking the very keenest interest in the welfare and progress of the Bann Rowing Club.

Mrs. Carson, J.P., (Bannfield), said they were thrilled with pride when they thought of the record of their Coleraine men, many hundreds of whom went forth at the call of King and country. The tablet which she now unveiled would keep fresh and green the memories of those who went forth, and of those who had not returned. She thanked the club for the honour they had done her, an honour she deeply appreciated.

Mr. John Shannon proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs. Carson; Rev. Canon Bradley, M.A., seconded the motion, and expressed the pleasure which all felt at seeing Mr. Shannon amongst them again so much restored to health. Mrs. Carson acknowledged the vote of thanks, and the National anthem was sung at the close.

Prior to the unveiling ceremony two interesting races-the last of the season-were witnessed by a large crowd of spectators.

Belfast News-Letter, September 9, 1921.