Unveiling of plaque.
A plaque honouring the 300 Northern Ireland’s employees of Gallaher Ltd., who served in the armed forces during the Second World War was unveiled in the workers’ canteen in the York Street factory, Belfast, on Wednesday, by Lord Amphill, production director of the firm.
At the head of the roll of honour are the names of those who made the supreme sacrifice, including the one who was killed at the time of the German air-raid on the city.
In a short speech Lord Amphill said they who remained behind must do their utmost to keep alive the spirit of self-sacrifice which enabled these men to give their all so readily and cheerfully.
He paid tribute to the work of civilians during the war, who, he said, made it possible to transform this island firstly into a last bastion of freedom and, finally, a defence base for the liberation of Europe.
He saw the plaque as a symbol and reminder of the duty which must be carried into the affairs of their daily life however trivial they might appear to be.
Finally, Lord Amphill said at no time during the war years did they as a people require more determination and unity of purpose than they did now in order to bring the country through.
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