Example of an uncompleted Roll of Honour. Note date unfinished.1914-19
We had the pleasure recently of visiting the enterprising firm of the Glen Printing and Finishing Co. (Ltd.) Newtownards, and were privileged to inspect the firm’s Roll of Honour, containing the names of employees who have and are doing duty for King and country. The record is such an excellent one that we have much pleasure in reproducing it in our columns. The men joined up when “the call” came, and consequently the roll is devoid of the appellations or distinctions which the gallant lads hold, or have won since first their patriotic spirit compelled them to go forth to fight for right and liberty. When the war is over-let us hope it will be soon-the roll, we understand, will be made a complete record of the names of those serving, their rank, and the distinctions they have won. Amongst the latter, for so far, is the winning of the Military Cross by Captain Elliott Johnston, a member of the firm, and the Distinguished Conduct Medal by Corporal Wm. Beckett.
We have much pleasure in reproducing the names on the Roll of Honour, which are as follows: –
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